– Ryde Town Council Press

Ryde Carnival in the running to win the “UK’s Most Popular Carnival” award!
Ryde Carnival has been chosen by the UK’s rental giants HolidayLettings.co.uk (owned by TripAdvisor) as one of the final 11 competitors in the running to be named the UK’s Most Popular Carnival for 2018.
To win this award, the carnival …

Island Regeneration Consultation
The Isle of Wight Council has launched a draft regeneration strategy for the Island. Following a year of meetings with people all around the Island, the strategy was launched recently at a Regeneration Conference held at The Lakeside in Wootton.  
You can view the draft strategy document by following this link:

Regeneration Strategy

and comment …

Island Roads have provided us with their School Holidays road resurfacing schedule, which includes the following roads:

St Michaels Avenue on the 19th and 20th July.
George Street on the 19th to the 24th July.
Ashey Road on the 25th to the 27th July.
Harding Shute on the 26th July to the 2nd August.
Pitts Lane, Binstead on the 6th …

This coming Sunday sees the arrival of the Ryde Slide once again – a fun and great community event which helps raise money for charity, as well having this years featured ‘Pride Slide’ hour! Tickets are almost sold out; if you want to get involved please go to the Ryde Slide website, www.rydeslide.uk, for more …

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