– Ryde Town Council Press

As part of the Age Friendly Island Initiative a working group has been established in Ryde consisting of councillors from the wards of Ryde East, Ryde South and Ryde North West, staff from Community Action IW, the lead member of Supporting our Senior of Nettlestone and Seaview Community Partnership and the Priest in Charge from …

There is an informal, free of charge Alzheimer Café on the 1st Friday of every month between 11.30am – 2.00pm at All Saints’ Church on Queens Road, Ryde – all people living with dementia, their families, friends and carers are welcome to drop in

The Town Council will shortly be announcing the first of the two 2016/17 Marketing Grant rounds – look out for the adverts in the County Press or register your interest by emailing grants@rydefowncouncil.gov.uk

Temporary Closure of Town Council OfficesPlease note that the Town Council’s offices in Lind Street are still temporarily closed for refurbishment until October. This will mean that Committee meetings may need to be relocated to other venues, please check agendas for locatiojn details on the town council’s website. You may still contact the Town Council …

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