– Ryde Town Council Press

Please note that the Extraordinary Planning Committee Meeting which was due to be held tomorrow evening to discuss Ryde Town Council’s response to the Island Planning Strategy, as announced at the last Planning Committee Meeting on the 5th February, has been cancelled. The next Planning Committee Meeting is on Tuesday 26th February; the agenda for …

This event, organised by Ryde Harriers, is a 7 mile multi-terrain race, originally run, since 1932, from Town Hall to Town Hall, it is in its 88th year. It was modified to a multi-terrain event in 2011 and starts in Newport at the back of the IWCC offices and finishes at Ryde Academy 6th Form …

The delegated decision on Ryde Harbour which was taken by an Isle of Wight Council Cabinet Member has been submitted for a ‘Call-In’ to the Scrutiny Committee.

The Call-In will be on the Scrutiny Committee’s agenda on the 12th February, this meeting is taking place at 5pm at County Hall. You can find further details of …

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