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With further bad weather predicted this weekend. We have been advised that the sandbag store in Simeon Street is open. If stocks run low residents are encouraged to ring Island Roads on 01983 822440 to report, this will initiate replenishment.

Vulnerable residents can call Wightcare on 821105 to arrange delivery of sandbags to their properties.

As we know all too well, flooding is dangerous and can happen very quickly. The effects can be devastating.

Via the link below is a leaflet which advises on preparation should it happen again, who to contact, what to do in the aftermath and how to deal with any insurance claims.           


Sign up for flood warnings – Flood Warning GOV Please see the below link to the Isle of Wight Council flooding webpage which they will keep up to date with information: Isle of Wight Council flooding webpageProperties affected by flooding: Report any property flooding to the Environment Agency – Environment Agency webpage

Who to contact:

If you …

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