– Blog

As a result of the cold weather, the Appley Public Toilets have unfortunately been closed due to frozen pipes. It may be likely that closures of other Public Toilets will follow, we apologise for any inconvenience caused

The UK Government have just announced round 5 of the Coastal Community Fund covering the period from April 2019 – March 2021. The fund will be around £40 million and the following types of organisations can apply :

Coastal Communities Teams
Local Authorities
Voluntary and community sector organisations
Social Enterprises, including co-operatives and community ownership initiatives
Private sector companies
Local enterprise …

Major works will commence on the 5th March to move the Monktonmead Outfall from its present position on Ryde beach to a new location in Ryde Marina. The setting up phase is almost complete and the next phase which will run to the end of June will necessitate fencing off a large section of beach …

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