– Local News

Following Monday’s Ryde Town Council meeting, the Town Council has now formally written to the Isle of Wight Council expressing its concern over the proposed sale of the harbour. In addition, the Isle of Wight Cabinet Member, Cllr Stuart Hutchinson, and Isle of Wight Council Officers have been invited to identify a suitable date for …


Ryde Town Council reacts to the Isle of Wight Council’s proposed sale of Ryde Harbour:

At a packed meeting on Monday evening Ryde Town Council Members expressed profound concerns about the Isle of Wight Council’s proposal to dispose of Ryde Harbour, which is a publicly owned asset in a key seafront location in the town.

Both …

Please note that the Appley toilets are temporarily closed and will be re-opened shortly. The closest public toilets to the Appley toilets are Eastern Gardens or Puckpool Park. We apologise for any inconvenience caused

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