– Redesign Ryde High Street

Join in on the Ryde design games on Thursday 9th and Friday 10 December, to share your ideas on how to improve this historic high street. The community are invited to create new configurations for the street. For example; a place to play, a place to relax, a place to enjoy, a place for older people and so on. It will involve a set of bespoke building blocks that will allow building new arrangements of street furniture for the High Street. All ages and abilities are welcome to these free events.

Events – There will be 4 design game events across the two days:

Redesign Ryde – Thursday 9th December – Daytime events

13:00  St Thomas’ Square (Nat West)

16:00 Minghella Square

At these afternoon sessions, the team wants to hear from you about how they can best redesign the High Street. These events will effectively be a mobile focus group, with the team working with local people. They will be out in the street considering options and sketching out ideas. They will use some temporary seating and chalk to draw up possibilities for change. Come prepared to share your thoughts and to get involved.

Redesign Ryde – Thursday 9th December – Evening event

19:00 – 21:30pm The Eric Warner Centre (Scout Hall)

This evening session will be held indoors in the Eric Warner Centre (Scout Hall) St John’s Road. It will involve a set of bespoke building blocks that will allow building new arrangements of street furniture for the High Street. Using the results of their exploration earlier in the day, they are inviting the community to create new configurations for the street. The team shall film, photograph and measure the results. Groups of 5-6 people and individuals welcome! Drinks and snacks will be provided.

Redesign Ryde – Friday 10th December – Daytime event

10am – 12 midday Town Square (Co-op)

In this final session, the team will be back out on the street and – if the weather is good – they will take some of the foam blocks with them. This will allow the team to recreate the ideas developed the night before but in the actual High Street spaces under consideration. This real time and space testing will provide the team with a great insight into the types of new designs and arrangements that will work best in the historic setting of Ryde High Street.

BOOK any of the sessions here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/feria-urbanism-31554819297

Find out more about the team and the project here Getting local people involved in what their streets will look like – Heritage Action Zone (iwhaz.uk)

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